G-SYNC 101: G-SYNC vs. Fast Sync

The Limits of Single Frame Delivery

Okay, so what about Fast Sync? Unlike G-SYNC, it works with any display, and while it’s still a fixed refresh rate syncing solution, its third buffer allows the framerate to exceed the refresh rate, and it utilizes the excess frames to deliver them to the display as fast as possible. This avoids double buffer behavior both above and below the refresh rate, and eliminates the majority of V-SYNC input latency.

Sounds ideal, but how does it compare to G-SYNC?

Blur Buster's G-SYNC 101: Input Latency & Optimal Settings
Blur Buster's G-SYNC 101: Input Latency & Optimal Settings
Blur Buster's G-SYNC 101: Input Latency & Optimal Settings
Blur Buster's G-SYNC 101: Input Latency & Optimal Settings
Blur Buster's G-SYNC 101: Input Latency & Optimal Settings
Blur Buster's G-SYNC 101: Input Latency & Optimal Settings

Evident by the results, Fast Sync only begins to reduce input lag over FPS-limited double buffer V-SYNC when the framerate far exceeds the display’s refresh rate. Like G-SYNC and V-SYNC, it is limited to completing a single frame scan per scanout to prevent tearing, and as the 60Hz scenarios show, 300 FPS Fast Sync at 60Hz (5x ratio) is as low latency as G-SYNC is with a 58 FPS limit at 60Hz.

However, the less excess frames are available for the third buffer to sample from, the more the latency levels of Fast Sync begin to resemble double buffer V-SYNC with an FPS Limit. And if the third buffer is completely starved, as evident in the Fast Sync + FPS limit scenarios, it effectively reverts to FPS-limited V-SYNC latency, with an additional 1/2 to 1 frame of delay.

Unlike double buffer V-SYNC, however, Fast Sync won’t lock the framerate to half the maximum refresh rate if it falls below it, but like double buffer V-SYNC, Fast Sync will periodically repeat frames if the FPS is limited below the refresh rate, causing stutter. As such, an FPS limit below the refresh rate should be avoided when possible, and Fast Sync is best used when the framerate can exceed the refresh rate by at least 2x, 3x, or ideally, 5x times.

So, what about pairing Fast Sync with G-SYNC? Even Nvidia suggests it can be done, but doesn’t go so far as to recommend it. But while it can be paired, it shouldn’t be…

Say the system can maintain an average framerate just above the maximum refresh rate, and instead of an FPS limit being applied to avoid V-SYNC-level input lag, Fast Sync is enabled on top of G-SYNC. In this scenario, G-SYNC is disabled 99% of the time, and Fast Sync, with very few excess frames to work with, not only has more input lag than G-SYNC would at a lower framerate, but it can also introduce uneven frame pacing (due to dropped frames), causing recurring microstutter. Further, even if the framerate could be sustained 5x above the refresh rate, Fast Sync would (at best) only match G-SYNC latency levels, and the uneven frame pacing (while reduced) would still occur.

That’s not to say there aren’t any benefits to Fast Sync over V-SYNC on a standard display (60Hz at 300 FPS, for instance), but pairing Fast Sync with uncapped G-SYNC is effectively a waste of a G-SYNC monitor, and an appropriate FPS limit should always be opted for instead.

Which poses the next question: if uncapped G-SYNC shouldn’t be used with Fast Sync, is there any benefit to using G-SYNC + Fast Sync + FPS limit over G-SYNC + V-SYNC (NVCP) + FPS limit?

Blur Buster's G-SYNC 101: Input Lag & Optimal Settings

The answer is no. In fact, unlike G-SYNC + V-SYNC, Fast Sync remains active near the maximum refresh rate, even inside the G-SYNC range, reserving more frames for itself the higher the native refresh rate is. At 60Hz, it limits the framerate to 59, at 100Hz: 97 FPS, 120Hz: 116 FPS, 144Hz: 138 FPS, 200Hz: 189 FPS, and 240Hz: 224 FPS. This effectively means with G-SYNC + Fast Sync, Fast Sync remains active until it is limited at or below the aforementioned framerates, otherwise, it introduces up to a frame of delay, and causes recurring microstutter. And while G-SYNC + Fast Sync does appear to behave identically to G-SYNC + V-SYNC inside the Minimum Refresh Range (<36 FPS), it’s safe to say that, under regular usage, G-SYNC should not be paired with Fast Sync.

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im on 144hz and nowhere near 90% gpu utilization whats better for my scenario using my own 141 fps cap or the automatic cap from ullm/reflex?



I’ll provide my settings and I’ll explain why I use these settings, then you’ll let me know what you think.


Control Panel (Global):
GSYNC tab: Use for fullscreen
3D tab:
Low Latency Mode: On (reduces input latency especially if you have to play on a lower refresh rate eg. GTA 5 (60HZ) + reduces render queue)
Preferred Refresh Rate (*monitor*): Application-controlled (reduces VRR flickering, Highest available has issues, causing stutter in games,)


for Vulkan:

VSync: Off (tested in emulation (RPCS3), RDR2 and in other games)
Reflex and FPS limit depends on the game and how it runs..

for DirectX:

VSync: On (tested in Witcher 3, Battlefield 1, Last of Us Part 1 and in other games)
Reflex and FPS limit applies as above (how the game is and how it runs..)

Power settings: Should remain on default for both CPU and GPU (only need to install the drivers (eg. AMD power plan from AMD chipset driver)

Lastly, If you set an FPS limiter, you shouldn’t do it Globally, cause its causing slowdown/stutter in stream or video playback when played in fullscreen (eg. Twitch stream being watched in fullscreen), therefore set it only for the game or app.


getting a 4070 ti need some advice

do i leave setting as they are which as as follows

gysnc enabled

use the frame limter in nvidia control panel with inside monitors refresh rate of 144hz currently have it set to 140hz (global limit)
all ingame litmters set to unlimted (thinking that unlimted means there is no in game limiter)

prefered refresh highest availble


Hello, I encountered this problem while playing World of Warcraft. The game does not have a full-screen mode, only a full-screen window. The mouse cursor in the game moves at the same refresh rate as the game itself (this was not the case on the old monitor with the built-in g-sync processor). While moving in the game, some kind of grid appears on the game textures (I guess you can call it an artifact). It feels like this effect appears at a frequency below 100 fps (usually below 100 fps in the city). On the old monitor with the chip, I did not enable the g-sync function in the nvidia panel, and when I did, the same artifacts appeared only in the entire range and everywhere. In my nvidia settings, the frame limit is set to -3, v-sync is enabled, g-sync is enabled in full-screen and windowed mode. Reflex is enabled in the game without boost, triple buffering and v-sync are disabled, the frame limit is disabled. High performance is set in Windows. Is it possible to achieve that I can play with a smooth mouse cursor (177 fps) and without grid artifacts? This really annoys me, I think the problem is that the game does not have a true fullscreen mode. I don’t think there is any way to get rid of it. In other games everything is fine. Sorry for my google translate.


hi, so i have a problem in which my monitor (144hz, G-sync compatible and freesync) gets stuck, my taskbar disappears and i can only open smth on my 2nd monitor(60Hz) in this case task manager and bring on the 1st monitor and pray it will come back, i am using msi afterburner and rivatuner to cap frames (141) to be in the range of the g-sync and also i’ve switched from v-sync on to fast and since then i think it started doing this but my games run smoother with it on fast cause if i have it on my game no matter which one will feel choppy under 100-90fps like i would have 30 fps and i dont know why is that, can i get some help please?
