G-SYNC 101: G-SYNC vs. V-SYNC w/FPS Limit

So Close, Yet So Far Apart

On the subject of single, tear-free frame delivery, how does standalone double buffer V-SYNC compare to G-SYNC with the same framerate limit?

Blur Buster's G-SYNC 101: Input Latency & Optimal Settings
Blur Buster's G-SYNC 101: Input Latency & Optimal Settings
Blur Buster's G-SYNC 101: Input Latency & Optimal Settings
Blur Buster's G-SYNC 101: Input Latency & Optimal Settings
Blur Buster's G-SYNC 101: Input Latency & Optimal Settings
Blur Buster's G-SYNC 101: Input Latency & Optimal Settings

As the results show, but for 60Hz (remember, a “frame” of delay is relative to the refresh rate), the numbers are relatively close. So what’s so great about G-SYNC’s ability to adjust the refresh rate to the framerate, if the majority of added input latency with V-SYNC can be eliminated with a simple FPS limit? Well, as the title of this section hints, it’s not quite that cut and dry…

While it’s common knowledge that limiting the FPS below the refresh rate with V-SYNC prevents the over-queuing of frames, and thus majority of added input latency, it isn’t without its downsides.

Unlike G-SYNC, V-SYNC must attempt to time frame delivery to the fixed refresh rate of the display. If it misses a single one of these delivery windows below the maximum refresh rate, the current frame must repeat once until the next frame can be displayed, locking the framerate to half the refresh rate, causing stutter. If the framerate exceeds the maximum refresh rate, the display can’t keep up with frame output, as rendered frames over-queue in both buffers, and appearance of frames is delayed yet again, which is why an FPS limit is needed to prevent this in the first place.

When an FPS limit is set with V-SYNC, the times it can deliver frames per second is shrunk. If, for instance, the FPS limiter is set to 59 fps on a 60Hz display, instead of 60 frames being delivered per second, only 59 will be delivered, which means roughly every second a frame will repeat.

As the numbers show, while G-SYNC and V-SYNC averages are close over a period of frames, evident by the maximums, it eventually adds up, causing 1/2 to 1 frame of accumulative delay, as well as recurring stutter due to repeated frames. This is why it is recommended to set a V-SYNC FPS limit mere decimals below the refresh rate via external programs such as RTSS.

That said, an FPS limit is superior to no FPS limit with double buffer V-SYNC, so long as the framerate can be sustained above the refresh rate at all times. However, G-SYNC’s ability to adjust the refresh rate to the framerate eliminates this issue entirely, and, yet again, beats V-SYNC hands down.

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so I have 540hz monitor but it’s 500hz bc I’m using windows 10, I’m playing fortnite and for so long I struggled with drop frames, even with low settings and low usage of both cpu and gpu, I’ve tried your method gsync+vsync and capped frames. the game running soo much better. thanks to you. but I’m still experiencing some drop frames but not as much as before, what should I do at this point. and what to cap my frames at?


If my screen is 165Hz, and I play Pugb Moblie on Gameloop at only 120 Fps, how do I optimize the latency?
Currently I still have lag when shooting


Some poeple recommend 141 fps, some 142 fps, which one should I choose? Have you noticed any screen tearing etc. with the 142 fps option?


I acquired a Samsung G6 OLED monitor, with 360Hz. My pc has the following components: 4080s tuf, 78003dx, asrock 650m pg wifi, xflare ddr5 16×32 cl32 6000mhz, thermalright 850w platinum. I’ve noticed that in some games, there are some jumps between fps that are annoying to look at. For example, in a plague tale requiem, all ultra in 2k, I range between 95 and 130. It’s not stuttering, but it is annoying. I wanted to know what type of configuration I use, and if it is necessary to cap the fps in the nvidia panel.


Hey, so I have a 3080, playing on a 240hz G sync monitor, I followed this guide (G sync on, V sync on in Nvidia control panel, off in game, cap FPS to 3 below monitor) and it has worked smoothly for every game. But in unoptimised games like recent releases such as The First Descendant, what do you do to optimise the game? My GPU is running at max, 300-320W, 70 degrees, 99% load, in these games, in other games I’ve never reached such power draw even at 200+ FPS. Wondering if I should cap at like 120 since the game reaches around 125 max.
