G-SYNC 101: G-SYNC Ceiling vs. FPS Limit

How Low Should You Go?

Blur Busters was the world’s first site to test G-SYNC in Preview of NVIDIA G-SYNC, Part #1 (Fluidity) using an ASUS VG248QE pre-installed with a G-SYNC upgrade kit. At the time, the consensus was limiting the fps from 135 to 138 at 144Hz was enough to avoid V-SYNC-level input lag.

However, much has changed since the first G-SYNC upgrade kit was released; the Minimum Refresh Range wasn’t in place, the V-SYNC toggle had yet to be exposed, G-SYNC did not support borderless or windowed mode, and there was even a small performance penalty on the Kepler architecture at the time (Maxwell and later corrected this).

My own testing in my Blur Busters Forum thread found that just 2 FPS below the refresh rate was enough to avoid the G-SYNC ceiling. However, now armed with improved testing methods and equipment, is this still the case, and does the required FPS limit change depending on the refresh rate?

Blur Buster's G-SYNC 101: Input Latency & Optimal Settings
Blur Buster's G-SYNC 101: Input Latency & Optimal Settings
Blur Buster's G-SYNC 101: Input Latency & Optimal Settings
Blur Buster's G-SYNC 101: Input Latency & Optimal Settings
Blur Buster's G-SYNC 101: Input Latency & Optimal Settings
Blur Buster's G-SYNC 101: Input Latency & Optimal Settings

As the results show, just 2 FPS below the refresh rate is indeed still enough to avoid the G-SYNC ceiling and prevent V-SYNC-level input lag, and this number does not change, regardless of the maximum refresh rate in use.

To leave no stone unturned, an “at” FPS, -1 FPS, -2 FPS, and finally -10 FPS limit was tested to prove that even far below -2 FPS, no real improvements can be had. In fact, limiting the FPS lower than needed can actually slightly increase input lag, especially at lower refresh rates, since frametimes quickly become higher, and thus frame delivery becomes slower due to the decrease in sustained framerates.

As for the “perfect” number, going by the results, and taking into consideration variances in accuracy from FPS limiter to FPS limiter, along with differences in performance from system to system, a -3 FPS limit is the safest bet, and is my new recommendation. A lower FPS limit, at least for the purpose of avoiding the G-SYNC ceiling, will simply rob frames.

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so I have 540hz monitor but it’s 500hz bc I’m using windows 10, I’m playing fortnite and for so long I struggled with drop frames, even with low settings and low usage of both cpu and gpu, I’ve tried your method gsync+vsync and capped frames. the game running soo much better. thanks to you. but I’m still experiencing some drop frames but not as much as before, what should I do at this point. and what to cap my frames at?


If my screen is 165Hz, and I play Pugb Moblie on Gameloop at only 120 Fps, how do I optimize the latency?
Currently I still have lag when shooting


Some poeple recommend 141 fps, some 142 fps, which one should I choose? Have you noticed any screen tearing etc. with the 142 fps option?


I acquired a Samsung G6 OLED monitor, with 360Hz. My pc has the following components: 4080s tuf, 78003dx, asrock 650m pg wifi, xflare ddr5 16×32 cl32 6000mhz, thermalright 850w platinum. I’ve noticed that in some games, there are some jumps between fps that are annoying to look at. For example, in a plague tale requiem, all ultra in 2k, I range between 95 and 130. It’s not stuttering, but it is annoying. I wanted to know what type of configuration I use, and if it is necessary to cap the fps in the nvidia panel.


Hey, so I have a 3080, playing on a 240hz G sync monitor, I followed this guide (G sync on, V sync on in Nvidia control panel, off in game, cap FPS to 3 below monitor) and it has worked smoothly for every game. But in unoptimised games like recent releases such as The First Descendant, what do you do to optimise the game? My GPU is running at max, 300-320W, 70 degrees, 99% load, in these games, in other games I’ve never reached such power draw even at 200+ FPS. Wondering if I should cap at like 120 since the game reaches around 125 max.
