G-SYNC 101: Control Panel

G-SYNC Module

The G-SYNC module is a small chip that replaces the display’s standard internal scaler, and contains enough onboard memory to hold and process a single frame at a time.

The module exploits the vertical blanking interval (the span between the previous and next frame scan) to manipulate the display’s internal timings; performing G2G (gray to gray) overdrive calculations to prevent ghosting, and synchronizing the display’s refresh rate to the GPU’s render rate to eliminate tearing, along with the delayed frame delivery and adjoining stutter caused by traditional syncing methods.


The below Blur Busters Test UFO motion test pattern uses motion interpolation techniques to simulate the seamless framerate transitions G-SYNC provides within the refresh rate, when directly compared to standalone V-SYNC.

G-SYNC Activation

“Enable for full screen mode” (exclusive fullscreen functionality only) will automatically engage when a supported display is connected to the GPU. If G-SYNC behavior is suspect or non-functioning, untick the “Enable G-SYNC, G-SYNC Compatible” box, apply, re-tick, and apply.

Blur Buster's G-SYNC 101: Control Panel

G-SYNC Windowed Mode

“Enable for windowed and full screen mode” allows G-SYNC support for windowed and borderless windowed mode. This option was introduced in a 2015 driver update, and by manipulating the DWM (Desktop Windows Manager) framebuffer, enables G-SYNC’s VRR (variable refresh rate) to synchronize to the focused window’s render rate; unfocused windows remain at the desktop’s fixed refresh rate until focused on.

G-SYNC only functions on one window at a time, and thus any unfocused window that contains moving content will appear to stutter or slow down, a reason why a variety of non-gaming applications (popular web browsers among them) include predefined Nvidia profiles that disable G-SYNC support.

Note: this setting may require a game or system restart after application; the “G-SYNC Indicator” (Nvidia Control Panel > Display > G-SYNC Indicator) can be enabled to verify it is working as intended.

G-SYNC Preferred Refresh Rate

“Highest available” automatically engages when G-SYNC is enabled, and overrides the in-game refresh rate selector (if present), defaulting to the highest supported refresh rate of the display. This is useful for games that don’t include a selector, and ensures the display’s native refresh rate is utilized.

“Application-controlled” adheres to the desktop’s current refresh rate, or defers control to games that contain a refresh rate selector.

Note: this setting only applies to games being run in exclusive fullscreen mode. For games being run in borderless or windowed mode, the desktop dictates the refresh rate.


G-SYNC (GPU Synchronization) works on the same principle as double buffer V-SYNC; buffer A begins to render frame A, and upon completion, scans it to the display. Meanwhile, as buffer A finishes scanning its first frame, buffer B begins to render frame B, and upon completion, scans it to the display, repeat.

The primary difference between G-SYNC and V-SYNC is the method in which rendered frames are synchronized. With V-SYNC, the GPU’s render rate is synchronized to the fixed refresh rate of the display. With G-SYNC, the display’s VRR (variable refresh rate) is synchronized to the GPU’s render rate.

Upon its release, G-SYNC’s ability to fall back on fixed refresh rate V-SYNC behavior when exceeding the maximum refresh rate of the display was built-in and non-optional. A 2015 driver update later exposed the option.

This update led to recurring confusion, creating a misconception that G-SYNC and V-SYNC are entirely separate options. However, with G-SYNC enabled, the “Vertical sync” option in the control panel no longer acts as V-SYNC, and actually dictates whether, one, the G-SYNC module compensates for frametime variances output by the system (which prevents tearing at all times. G-SYNC + V-SYNC “Off” disables this behavior; see G-SYNC 101: Range), and two, whether G-SYNC falls back on fixed refresh rate V-SYNC behavior; if V-SYNC is “On,” G-SYNC will revert to V-SYNC behavior above its range, if V-SYNC is “Off,” G-SYNC will disable above its range, and tearing will begin display wide.

Within its range, G-SYNC is the only syncing method active, no matter the V-SYNC “On” or “Off” setting.

Currently, when G-SYNC is enabled, the control panel’s “Vertical sync” entry is automatically engaged to “Use the 3D application setting,” which defers V-SYNC fallback behavior and frametime compensation control to the in-game V-SYNC option. This can be manually overridden by changing the “Vertical sync” entry in the control panel to “Off,” “On,” or “Fast.”

3140 Comments For “G-SYNC 101”

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Hi. I have noticed that not all games experience tearing when just G-Sync is enabled without the use of NVCP V-Sync. Why is this? I am very sensitive to screen tearing and I don’t think that tearing is occurring in some games. I have a 144Hz G-Sync Compatible monitor.


Hello! Checking in regarding some new information I’ve been thinking about. Does the presence of VSync matter at all when using RTSS to cap well below the max refresh rate of the monitor? For example: if my monitor has a 144Hz refresh rate and I cap the game to 60fps using RTSS (to ensure smooth frametimes), will the VSync setting make any difference whatsoever? I’ve heard mixed answers like some claiming that the VSync setting will still make the presentation of the frames smoother and others claiming the exact opposite. What would be the true answer to this dilemma? Also following up from before, where will you be posting your findings on the Switch emulator testing? Thank you so much in advance and for all the work that you do!


Hello great guide! hope you can help!

is G-SYNC on + V-SYNC off faster than
G-SYNC on + V-SYNC on?

Ive read everything here the entire day, I am just still confused haha.
According to the testing (for 144hz) G-SYNC on + V-SYNC off is slightly faster (1ms) in terms of input lag but does not provide complete sync which can occur due to fluctuances in frame times. So for a smooth experience you by default favor G-SYNC on + V-SYNC on option (although slightly more input lag).

Is that correct?

Hope you can clarify, thank you!


Hi, first of all congratulations for this guide, the time and effort you put into this is remarkable. I just bought my first ever Freesync/G-sync compatible monitor after a life using a 60hz generic monitor, its a S2721DGF 165hz. I mostly prefer playing games at a higher image quality than higher refresh rates, the only exception is Left 4 Dead 2 where I play at 300+ fps. I often use DLDSR to get the most in image quality in single player games. For games like RDR2, I should change the 165hz from the in-game menu to 60hz or I should leave it at 165hz and just cap the frame rate using RTSS to 60?


Hey! I’m rather new to this.

Will I have a lower input lag if I use g-sync ON and v-sync ON(nvcp) on rocket league, rather than having them both off?
