Overlord Selling G-SYNC Early, Plus New Video

Overlord Computer, a maker of overclockable monitors, are making available a limited number of G-SYNC monitors for early sale.

ASUS does not yet have G-SYNC, so Overlord is modifying ASUS VG248QE in-house with G-SYNC Upgrade boards. This makes the prices slightly higher, as an Early Access Program.

For standalone G-SYNC Upgrade boards, keep tuned for an announcement today. Tuesday morning. Also, NVIDIA just released a new G-SYNC video
[Full HD, 1080p 60fps, 200MB].

About Mark Rejhon

Also known as Chief Blur Buster. Founder of Blur Busters. Inventor of TestUFO. Read more about him on the About Mark page.

29 Comments For “Overlord Selling G-SYNC Early, Plus New Video”

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I for one am very glad that we are starting to see the first manufacturers responding to what has been known about motion blur artifacts now for years and years. I only hope that more manufacturers are tuned in to the demand that gamers have for displays that fix motion artifact problems. We are a long ways from the first “HDTV Blur” Wiki page I created back in September 2007. The price being high is just how it is if you want to be first. But this technology is not expensive stuff. Eventually all gamers will demand low latency variable framerate.

My hat is off to those who have pushed so hard to spread the word of the technical deficiencies of existing display technology for gamers, especially Mark and his website here.


Gsync by itself is not enough for many people to buy a new monitor especially for those that already have ips 1080p (or higher res screens). Early adopters will of course be hardcore gamers that probably already have decent monitors. Buying expensive TN at only 1080p for the price of 1440p IPS is shit deal that probably will not have many takers. Gsync is very welcome addtition to otherwise decent monitor but it does not make a monitor decent by itself.


I thought about getting this, but I’ll wait until technology makes lightboost and gsync work all in one at same time.


XL2420TE SHOULD work on the asus vg upgrade kit.. will take some gethoing to make the pcb fit and holes match. since this replaces the whole pcb the only thing left over is the pannel which is the exact same


why is overlord not selling kits… screw that $500 price… as someone said thats twice as much


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