Black Friday: Blur Busters Approved ViewSonic XG2431 Finally in Stock at Amazon

Today, on Black Friday 2021, lots of items are on sale now at Amazon, including multiple gaming monitors

ViewSonic XG2431 Finally in Stock on Black Friday 2021!

What makes this Black Friday particularly special for Blur Busters is that ViewSonic XG2431 gaming monitors are currently in stock on Amazon USA for under $300.

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Blur Busters Approved 2.0 Programme

Earlier this year, we announced ViewSonic XG2431’s is the world’s first monitor to gain Blur Busters Approved 2.0 Certification from our new motion blur reduction tuning programme. We factory-tuned ViewSonic XG2431 monitors to achieve among the world’s best motion blur reduction for an LCD, even better than the previous gold standard, NVIDIA ULMB

Blur Busters Approved 2.0 monitors are among the most CRT-motion-clarity desktop LCDs ever invented. In addition to pre-installed high quality strobe modes built into the monitor (strobing now even supports cable TV boxes and non-PC video sources), the ViewSonic monitor supports the optional ViewSonic Strobe Utility to allows advanced end users to get better-than-factory strobe tuning.

It can do any CRT-motion-clarity refresh rate in 0.001Hz increments from ~59 Hz through ~241 Hz, and even supports Quick Frame Transport (QFT) tweaks. This allows some refresh rates to gain perfect zero-crosstalk operation with lower-lag-than-factory strobing completely free of double image effects. With a truly multisync strobe, you are not stuck to presets like only 120Hz. End-user strobe tuning is now easier than using a colorimeter via an easy step-by-step guide.

Massive Parts Shortages And Container Ship Congestion Hit XG2431 Hard

The same electronics parts shortages that impacted GPU manufacturing and car manufacturing, also impacted the 23.8″ Innolux panels inside ViewSonic XG2431 monitors. The panels and the special chips used by them (scaler/TCON) were hit extremely hard by semiconductor fabrication shortages, as well as the pandemic. To put salt in wounds, there were container ship shipping problems worldwide.

This impacted the ability to accelerate shipping of Blur Busters Apprroved 2.0, until Amazon USA got a large container shipment on time for Black Friday. Currently, monitor is not yet available in Europe. However, you can still order overseas shipping from Amazon USA if you’re looking for the most CRT-like LCD motion blur reduction modes.

Rave Reviews for Blur Busters Approved 2.0

The Blur Busters Discussion Forums has posted several rave reviews of the ViewSonic XG2431:

SaberEdge wrote: 

Wed Nov 17, 2021 4:02 am

I received mine and I have spent all afternoon and evening with it. I love it. It’s an exceptional monitor. I’ll share more specific impressions later after I test out more features and have time to write it all up.

sunisc wrote: 

Wed Nov 17, 2021 9:28 pm

I got mine. It’s nice.

dreemlan wrote: 

Thu Nov 18, 2021 12:47 am

Just received it yesterday! (like two days after it changed to status pending) I’m really enjoying it so far.
[…] I’m very happy with my purchase and it was worth the wait/hassle IMO :)

SaberEdge wrote: 

Sun Nov 21, 2021 7:23 am

Further impressions… I’m still loving this monitor. I can safely say that it is the best monitor I’ve ever owned. The motion quality is exceptional and very customizable. As others have reported, 60Hz up through about 120Hz is perceptually crosstalk free while using large vertical totals. Which is amazing. CRT motion-clarity without noticeable artifacts is finally here!

Update: Blur Busters is also looking to hire a part-time guest writer, to restart daily/weekly news on the cover page for all better-than-60-Hz monitor technologies. Chief Blur Buster Mark Rejhon is too busy helping manuafcturs improve monitor technologies and we need a Blur Busters superfan to step up to the plate to write news for our media department!

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About Mark Rejhon

Also known as Chief Blur Buster. Founder of Blur Busters. Inventor of TestUFO. Read more about him on the About Mark page.

12 Comments For “Black Friday: Blur Busters Approved ViewSonic XG2431 Finally in Stock at Amazon”

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Can we calibrate the X270 in the same way as the 2431?


The version with 144hz (ViewSonic OMNI XG2405), its the same but with less hz?


Still not available in Europe… Is this US only monitor?


I bought it. Mainly so i can run it through my battery of tests using a photodiode and oscilloscope. See if it’s actually good or not. 300 bucks is decently cheap. Also want to test out your supposed superior motion clarity. So fun times ahead


So, for those reading the comments, I did in fact buy it. And I did in fact test it.

The 120hz with large vertical totals to reduce motion blur and increase motion clarity does in fact work. I would say it literally looks better than the native 240hz mode in terms of motion clarity which I prefer. Granted you have to run a custom resolution to do this.

The 240hz native mode is pretty decent.

The pixel response is pretty decent as well. Still not perfect like OLED (1ms for OLED) but its good enough. And considering the price its a killer deal (got mine for $300 on sale, and its normally $330).

Colors are a little off factory wise, and even after tuning you can’t get perfect colors, but its not “bad” again for the price its a killer display.

If you are not used to running custom resolutions or don’t understand blurbuster instructions (they are kind of hard to understand) I would simply say run 240hz mode and use the monitors basic blur reduction and that should be good enough for most people who would be budget limited anyway. I think I would still prefer say the $800 LG nano IPS displays they have which have the lowest pixel response on the market, and are 4k 144hz.

I personally believe 240hz or higher is more of a gimmick, because pixel response usually doesn’t fit the refresh window. Simply put, one Hz of the 240hz will change in 4.16ms. Which means the “slowest” pixel response of a monitor will need to be 4.16ms or lower. If any change pixel change rate over is slower than 4.16ms, you get motion blur and bleed over images from one refresh to another. Which ruins the point of running high refresh rate. Which is why the XG2431 with large vertical totals at 120hz looks BETTER than 240hz in my own testing. There is simply less motion issues thus a clearer image. 360hz everything just gets worse.


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