Reviewers using Blur Busters Testing Techniques

Several display review websites have adopted Blur Busters testing techniques, including the motion blur photography technique invented by Mark Rejhon of Blur Busters. For more information about the Blur Busters pursuit camera technique, see the peer-reviewed paper and also pursuit camera instructions with the motion tests at

More than 500 content creators use our motion testing inventions. Combined, this totals hundreds of millions of viewers/subscribers.

Here is a small sample of big and small content creators using testing techniques that Blur Busters invented: — HDTV buying recommendations on a Montreal-operated website.
    “To validate that our camera goes at exactly the same speed as our logo, we are using temporal tick marks placed just below the logo. This technique was invented and proposed to us by Mark Rejhon of Blur Busters, a website dedicated to the reduction of motion blur.”
Also see: RTINGS’ behind-the-scenes YouTube video of their equipment in action!

Toms Hardware France – Toms Hardware France, a major hardware testing site in Europe

    Original French: (See Slide 13) “Grâce à cette technique ultime de prise de photo signée BlurBusters, on peut l’affirmer clairement : autant les 144 ou 165 Hz n’apportent pas grand chose face au 120 Hz, autant le 240 Hz apporte un gain de netteté vraiment appréciable et visible par rapport au 120 Hz, surtout quand la dalle est assez rapide pour n’afficher aucun ghosting. Visuellement, c’est presque parfait, et ça nous fait même envier les futurs écrans à 480, voir 960 Hz, pour nous faire définitivement oublier le CRT !”
    Google Translate English: “Thanks to BlurBusters’ ultimate photo-taking technique, it can be clearly stated: the 144 or 165 Hz do not bring much compared to 120 Hz, the 240 Hz brings a gain of sharpness really appreciable and visible by compared to 120 Hz, especially when the slab is fast enough to show no ghosting . Visually, it’s almost perfect, and it makes us even envy the future screens at 480, see 960 Hz, to make us forget the CRT!”


Linus Tech Tips used the pursuit camera extensively to compare motion blur of multiple gaming monitors in a July 2019 video (1min:25sec into video):

PC Monitors — A website run by Adam Simmons who tests computer monitors:

TFT Central — A display review site in U.K.
    “We used the Ghosting Motion Test which is designed to be used with pursuit camera setups. The pursuit camera method is explained at Blurbusters as well as covered in this research paper. We carried out the tests at various refresh rates, with and without ULMB enabled. These UFO objects were moving horizontally at 960 pixels per second, at a frame rate matching refresh rate of the monitor.”

HDTV Test – Display testing website in UK:

Hardware Unboxed — A YouTube channel reviewing computer hardware

Their excellent YouTube channel tests using the pursuit camera on various gaming monitors in the motion-blur testing section of YouTube videos about gaming monitors.

TechPrn (Phillipines) — A tech review site in Phillipines.
   “Setting up a pursuit camera courtesy of Blur Busters allows us to a great extent, perceive the actual motion blur of the display. Using such method also allows us to check out for other motion artifacts including ghosting, inverse ghosting and other artifacts. My current hand-driven camera rail setup for this method provides excellent results, but it is far from perfect. This pursuit camera test is a peer-reviewed invention.”

HDTV Poland — large review site in Poland.
    Original Polish“Metoda śledzenia obrazu kamerą była już od dłuższego czasu stosowana w przemyśle. Ceny sprzętu oscylowały jednak w okolicach 30 000$ za dedykowane systemy, co było raczej barierą nie do przeskoczenia. Jakiś czas temu pewien inżynier – Mark Rejhon z serwisu– opracował jednak metodę „ręczną” wymagającą trochę mniejszej inwestycji, ale i większej cierpliwości przy wykonywaniu pomiarów    Obiekt testowy dostępny jest bezpłatnie na stronie Kluczem do sukcesu było zaprojektowanie specjalnej ścieżki synchronizacyjnej, która pozwala ocenić, czy dane zdjęcie zostało zrobione z odpowiednią prędkością poziomą i pionową. Robiąc zdjęcia używamy bowiem ekspozycji 1/15 sekundy przy 60Hz lub 1/30 przy 120Hz. Nakładamy więc na siebie cztery klatki obrazu i każda z nich musi być w tym samym miejscu względem obiektywu!
    Google Translate English: “The method of tracking video camera was for a long time used in the industry. However, hardware prices oscillated around the $ 30 000 for dedicated systems, which was rather a barrier insurmountable. Some time ago an engineer – Mark Rejhon the service – but developed a method “manual” requires a little less investment, but more patience while measuring    object test is available free of charge at key to success was to design a special path synchronization that allows you to assess whether the photo was taken with appropriate speed horizontal and vertical. Taking pictures using exposure for 1/15 second at 60Hz or 120Hz at 1/30. So we put on ourselves four frames of image and each of them must be in the same place relative to the lens!”

SweClockers — large hardware testing site in Sweden.
    Original Swedish: “SweClockers använder testufot hos Blurbusters för att med en så kallad chase camera monterad på skena följa rörelsen över skärmens yta. Detta ger inga siffror eller liknande men är ett bra sätt att dokumentera hur eftersläpen ser ut.”
    Google Translate English: “SweClockers uses TestUFO of Blurbusters to a so-called chase camera mounted on rails to follow the movement of the screen surface. This gives no figures or the like, but is a good way to document how motion blur looks.”

Lim’s Cave

Lim’s Cave — A german vlogger site that tests monitors (English | German)
     “Mark Rejhon of Blur Busters, who has invented the motion blur photography technique, gives me as a reviewer the opportunity to capture perfect photos for my gaming monitor reviews with his pursuit camera technique.”
“With this awesome tool, you are able to evaluate a specific panel type or even a particular monitor model regarding different test photos.”